Sunday, December 13, 2009

Long time no speak?

Time is flying! I cannot believe how quickly two months has gone by. Our little guy has been growing like a weed and has FINALLY tackled crawling (he was the last little one in the baby group to do it) and started cruising around all over the place. He is now even talking and saying things like: Mo = more, Hi, Bye, Mama, Dada, Andy (his aunt), Yay, and Yeah. He eats solid food- and prefers it off of our plates, not from a jar. We traveled around a bit this fall and have started to get excited about our first Christmas together as a family. It has been a whirlwind year- and it is odd to think back about this time last year when it just seemed as far away as ever. But here we are- with a wonderful little boy who is almost 1 year old!

Here are pics from our recent adventures....

Halloween is a family affair at our house. The lion costume stayed on for about 2 minutes. :)

We made it down to Disneyland for a work conference for Dad. Baby's first Mickey Mouse ears are a must.

Here we are with the result of a tasty pasta feed. He ate so much!

The first two times he met Santa he was asleep. This time he was wide awake, and was not so excited about the experience.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you out there!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Summer is over.

What do you mean summer is over? I am not done having fun outside yet!!

I am not so sure about solid foods yet. Things I like: bananas, apples, prunes, sweet potato, carrots, and sometimes pears. Things I do not like: puffs (banana or sweet potato), peas - and DO NOT put rice cereal into anything you try to give me. I will seal my mouth shut and when you try the dirty trick of waiting until I cry, it is coming back up and you can deal with it.

This is Dad and I going through a sprinkler. I have been having a great time in any form of water and I am looking forward to swim lessons with Dad next month.

I am pretty grown up now. I am starting to use my sign language and can request some milk (formula), and can sometimes attempt to say I am all done. I will say Mama or mamamama when I am looking around for my mom. I love to mimic all sorts of noises, like the house alarm chime, or someone's cough, and today I repeatedly said uh oh when I dropped my pacifier. I have two new teeth, which has been fun for everyone because I am not sleeping through the night anymore. I will sing to myself and love sitting up and getting myself down on the floor to roll. I am not at all interested in crawling. When requested, I grab my mom's face and give her big wet kisses, but not Dad because his beard is scratchy. I do love playing a game with Dad where he growls at me, and I pretend to be scared, but then let him get me and I laugh.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Can't believe it has been 6 months!

So here we are- first family vacation together. We are all pretty happy- and pretty amazed that we have this little guy. Does it get any better than this?

6 months old today!

Lots happenin' 'round here....

First of all, I got engaged. Katie is a great girl, and we have decided on a 20 year long engagement so that we can learn to walk and get jobs and stuff.

I went to a Mariners game. It was so exciting that I had to rest my eyes for moment or two.

I went on my first ferry trip on our vacation to the San Juans. We got to sit in the car for 2 hours while waiting in the ferry line for the boat to San Juan Island. I was still happy here.

Our vacation home had a fancy bathtub that was in the kitchen and sometimes had dishes in it.

When I got home I found out I like kittens. I sometimes like to put my fingers in their ears, and try to put them in my mouth, so mom helped me learn how to pet them and not get scratched.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Peanuts Gallery

We are still here and doing well. Vacation pictures and updates coming soon!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day, Dad!!!

I love you Dad!
Love, Peanut

Friday, May 29, 2009

4 Months Checkup

This post is for Aunt Molly....

I just had to post this picture of Peanut. Please note that the swing is not moving at all - the expression plus his crazy sweaty hair gives the picture motion. Peanut is just kicking his legs up and laughing. It looks like it was digitally removed from a Splash Mountain picture. I guess he was just really excited.
4 Month stats- 16 lbs 13 oz 25.5 inches long. And soon to start baby Zantac for the reflux issues. Good times.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Putting stuff together

Today was a "get stuff done" day, and Peanut had a few items that he requested that Dad put together. The first item was a high chair. He is still a coupe of months away from solid foods, but the seat provides a nice vantage point in which to make eye contact with taller people, and also from which to throw things. The second item was an activity center that had so many parts, Dad looked a bit worse for the wear by the time it was all put together.

First a couple of pictures of how cute I am after bath time.

This is my new high chair. I may be at the minimum size allowed. But it has a 5-point harness, so I should stay put, more or less. But there is no way I can reach anything on the other side of the tray. I need another 3 inches on both arms before I can get there.

I am digging the new center, though it is a bit overstimulating. I can spin in my seat and push buttons and chew on things and bounce up and down. Good times.

After the long day, I am just going to cuddle my baby and nod off to sleep. Have a good night!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sorry- we've been busy!

Hello everyone!
We have had a busy few weeks as Peanut* and the two of us have been out and about and enjoying his 3rd month. Big milestones are baby's first Star Trek movie, first trip to a barnyard, first picnic, baptism, and he has recently learned that he can shriek (little screams like a girl- not crying) to get our attention or to get out of tummy time.

Here is Peanut and his new fuzzy friend.

At the aquarium, for the few moments that he was awake, Peanut really enjoyed watching the kids run around. Now that I am no longer teaching, I am fully comfortable complaining about these damn kids out on field trips. :)

He may be a lot smaller than a sixgill shark.

Look at me, I'm awake and watching a lot of fish!

But the underwater dome did not keep my attention.
*Peanut- okay we know that at a staggering 15+ lbs, he is no longer tiny and peanut sized. But we already chose the blog name and address so Peanut it will stay.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He likes who?!!!

It is time to admit we've failed as parents....

So Peanut has to deal with the randomly put together songs sung by both mom and dad. It is not that we don't sing real songs, like You are my Sunshine, or Twinkle Twinkle, but more often, we take real melodies and sing about Peanut and his daily shenanigans. "Bottle, we'll make your bottle, first we will heat it in the sink..... and then you'll drink it, and probably spit up, then I'll take the bottle away." That is to You are my Sunshine.

Peanut is also exposed to various and favorite songs from our iPod- and the one in his room. Children's lullabyes, Uncle Kevin's band, Vitamin String Quartet versions of Muse, Metallica, etc. And he has always showed some interest in the music, but today as I accidently clicked on a link from an entertainment news page while I was holding him in one arm and surfing in the other (yeah it happens occasionally, but he won't let me put him down, so I am okay with taking a 5 minute break while still on the clock.)

Peanut went crazy. Totally nuts- dancing (aka throwing his arms and legs everywhere), cooing, cheering for this performance from Donny Osmond!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Baby's first boat ride

The boat, the boat!
Today Peanut, mom, dad and friends went out on the boat. We buzzed 520 on Lake Washington and came home again. Peanut was very excited to wear the new Go Diego! life jacket and his crabby sunglasses.
That is right ladies- this boat will be all mine in a few decades. You know you want it!

So cute!

Um, dad, are we using this correctly?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby's first rock concert

Today Uncle Kevin and his good friends - the rest of The Moondoggies- played at the UW. Peanut and mom went for a few songs. We also checked out Red Square. Getting into college is tough these days, so we tried to do some early admissions registration. Apparently arriving in a stroller is a give away that he may not be ready for school.

Here is Peanut and Uncle Kevin. Good times!

Happy Belated Easter

"He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny."

Poor Peanut; he did not escape humiliation on Easter morning. He did get his first little Easter basket, although mom and dad did take all the chocolate. Maybe next year, big guy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The zoo- day two!

So because we had so much fun with Dort, Freddie and Cece, we went to meet Sarah and Grace the next day! This is Peanut sleeping while a peacock walks by to check him out.

We were equally unimpressed by the zebras.

Grace has been waiting to feed Peanut a bottle, and here was her chance.

Peanut is a total flirt, and here he is putting the moves on an older lady!

The Zoo!

Hey there!

So we were just hanging out and decided that it was so nice we should go to the zoo.

Before we left Peanut practiced fighting off wild elephants- because you never know when you may need to protect yourself.

Peanut got up close and personal with a gorilla, and was not intimidated by the fellow great ape.

He was much more excited by the poster of the gorillas on the wall behind me while I took this picture at the zoomazium.

Here are Cece and Freddie- they were showing Peanut how to do the zoo walk.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March madness

We're going to need a bigger bed.

This is my new friend, the lovey known as froggy. I was playing with it in front of him and didn't notice until later that he had grabbed it and held it under his arm. When we went downstairs, he cuddled up to it, and fell asleep.

What's your sign?

This is the new swing, which is also standing in as a bed, since it is the only place he'll sleep deeply in, unless he is being held.