Thursday, March 19, 2009

My favorite website

Playing at home

Playing on the jungle themed activity gym

Having fun with Dad

Sleeping like a rock star

I don't like this lion. I won't make eye contact with it, and you can't make me.

Look what I did today!

Peanut was having some quality tummy time today and started tipping to the right and rolled right over. He looked a bit surprised, but looked more excited that he wasn't stuck on his stomach anymore!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

7 weeks old!

Peanut is a big fan o' bath time. He only cries when he comes out and is not immediately dry. This week he has been making a bunch of fun expressions - even while fussy. Before his facial expressions were limited to smirking, but now he smiles when you tickle him under the chin and cheeks, and will mimic you sticking a tongue out. He has had quite the growth spurt and shot right through the newborn clothes and is now rocking the 0-3 month outfits or even the 3 month outfits in some cases. The horse overalls and matching onesie and socks are a big hit around here.

Two words: Wing span

This is why we are not using the bassinet anymore... not enough room to spread out! So he is now in the big lonely crib in his own room.

Why I haven't posted

It really hasn't been that bad... we are just having a few moments here and there that are less than happy for the Peanut. But it has been responsible for nearly sleepless nights, and mom being in her pajamas until 6 pm one night. But we're trying the gripe water, so we'll see how that goes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009