Thursday, January 29, 2009

Play time

Yesterday we learned how Peanut's teenage years will be. It is a rule that you put babies to sleep on the back, to prevent SIDS. Well, when you put Peanut on his back, he immediately rolls to his side. We'd put him back on his back, and boom- back on his side. So we bought some supplies yesterday and one of them was a little memory foam pad that has two triangle shaped wedges to keep the lil guy from rolling. Peanut showed his distain for them by scooting back and resting his foot on the wedge, and crossing the other foot on top. So cute!

Today we focused on a bit more play time, after getting a little bouncy chair. He seemed to find the vibrating featuer a bit odd, but didn't complain. Notice how the part that secures the baby into the chair should only go up to a kid's belly button. Peanut is so tiny it almost goes up to his neck. We let him check it out for a bit, then play time was over. He also made a new friend, the very hungry caterpillar- they are fast friends. He has slept pretty soundly today, except for meal breaks.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Here are a few more pictures taken in the last day or two. We are still doing well, the Peanut is an eating/sleeping/pooping machine so we are all happy. These are some of my favorite pictures- the escaping foot from the sleeper, or the one with Dad's hand showing how small he is, or the "I hate the paparazzi always taking pics of me while I'm trying to sleep" picture.

Hi I'm new here...

Hello there everyone! This is our blog about a little boy nicknamed Peanut. Here you'll find adorable pictures and stories about all the cute things he does. I can't promise that we'll be timely with the pictures, right now all we want to do is just stare at him or sleep, so we don't have a lot of free hands to upload pictures- but we're working on it!