What do you mean summer is over? I am not done having fun outside yet!!

I am not so sure about solid foods yet. Things I like: bananas, apples, prunes, sweet potato, carrots, and sometimes pears. Things I do not like: puffs (banana or sweet potato), peas - and DO NOT put rice cereal into anything you try to give me. I will seal my mouth shut and when you try the dirty trick of waiting until I cry, it is coming back up and you can deal with it.

This is Dad and I going through a sprinkler. I have been having a great time in any form of water and I am looking forward to swim lessons with Dad next month.

I am pretty grown up now. I am starting to use my sign language and can request some milk (formula), and can sometimes attempt to say I am all done. I will say Mama or mamamama when I am looking around for my mom. I love to mimic all sorts of noises, like the house alarm chime, or someone's cough, and today I repeatedly said uh oh when I dropped my pacifier. I have two new teeth, which has been fun for everyone because I am not sleeping through the night anymore. I will sing to myself and love sitting up and getting myself down on the floor to roll. I am not at all interested in crawling. When requested, I grab my mom's face and give her big wet kisses, but not Dad because his beard is scratchy. I do love playing a game with Dad where he growls at me, and I pretend to be scared, but then let him get me and I laugh.
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