Sunday, May 24, 2009

Putting stuff together

Today was a "get stuff done" day, and Peanut had a few items that he requested that Dad put together. The first item was a high chair. He is still a coupe of months away from solid foods, but the seat provides a nice vantage point in which to make eye contact with taller people, and also from which to throw things. The second item was an activity center that had so many parts, Dad looked a bit worse for the wear by the time it was all put together.

First a couple of pictures of how cute I am after bath time.

This is my new high chair. I may be at the minimum size allowed. But it has a 5-point harness, so I should stay put, more or less. But there is no way I can reach anything on the other side of the tray. I need another 3 inches on both arms before I can get there.

I am digging the new center, though it is a bit overstimulating. I can spin in my seat and push buttons and chew on things and bounce up and down. Good times.

After the long day, I am just going to cuddle my baby and nod off to sleep. Have a good night!

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