Friday, May 29, 2009

4 Months Checkup

This post is for Aunt Molly....

I just had to post this picture of Peanut. Please note that the swing is not moving at all - the expression plus his crazy sweaty hair gives the picture motion. Peanut is just kicking his legs up and laughing. It looks like it was digitally removed from a Splash Mountain picture. I guess he was just really excited.
4 Month stats- 16 lbs 13 oz 25.5 inches long. And soon to start baby Zantac for the reflux issues. Good times.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Putting stuff together

Today was a "get stuff done" day, and Peanut had a few items that he requested that Dad put together. The first item was a high chair. He is still a coupe of months away from solid foods, but the seat provides a nice vantage point in which to make eye contact with taller people, and also from which to throw things. The second item was an activity center that had so many parts, Dad looked a bit worse for the wear by the time it was all put together.

First a couple of pictures of how cute I am after bath time.

This is my new high chair. I may be at the minimum size allowed. But it has a 5-point harness, so I should stay put, more or less. But there is no way I can reach anything on the other side of the tray. I need another 3 inches on both arms before I can get there.

I am digging the new center, though it is a bit overstimulating. I can spin in my seat and push buttons and chew on things and bounce up and down. Good times.

After the long day, I am just going to cuddle my baby and nod off to sleep. Have a good night!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sorry- we've been busy!

Hello everyone!
We have had a busy few weeks as Peanut* and the two of us have been out and about and enjoying his 3rd month. Big milestones are baby's first Star Trek movie, first trip to a barnyard, first picnic, baptism, and he has recently learned that he can shriek (little screams like a girl- not crying) to get our attention or to get out of tummy time.

Here is Peanut and his new fuzzy friend.

At the aquarium, for the few moments that he was awake, Peanut really enjoyed watching the kids run around. Now that I am no longer teaching, I am fully comfortable complaining about these damn kids out on field trips. :)

He may be a lot smaller than a sixgill shark.

Look at me, I'm awake and watching a lot of fish!

But the underwater dome did not keep my attention.
*Peanut- okay we know that at a staggering 15+ lbs, he is no longer tiny and peanut sized. But we already chose the blog name and address so Peanut it will stay.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He likes who?!!!

It is time to admit we've failed as parents....

So Peanut has to deal with the randomly put together songs sung by both mom and dad. It is not that we don't sing real songs, like You are my Sunshine, or Twinkle Twinkle, but more often, we take real melodies and sing about Peanut and his daily shenanigans. "Bottle, we'll make your bottle, first we will heat it in the sink..... and then you'll drink it, and probably spit up, then I'll take the bottle away." That is to You are my Sunshine.

Peanut is also exposed to various and favorite songs from our iPod- and the one in his room. Children's lullabyes, Uncle Kevin's band, Vitamin String Quartet versions of Muse, Metallica, etc. And he has always showed some interest in the music, but today as I accidently clicked on a link from an entertainment news page while I was holding him in one arm and surfing in the other (yeah it happens occasionally, but he won't let me put him down, so I am okay with taking a 5 minute break while still on the clock.)

Peanut went crazy. Totally nuts- dancing (aka throwing his arms and legs everywhere), cooing, cheering for this performance from Donny Osmond!!!