So we had the big 2 month pediatrician's visit today. We learned that Peanut has gained 4 lbs since last time, that he may have a touch of the reflux (all the cool kids have it these days) and he needs to lay with the left side of his head down more often to prevent a weird lumpy head, speaking of which grew in circumference by 3 cm. Also the little guy had 5 vaccinations. And did very well!
So right now Peanut is 12 lbs 6 oz., 22.75 inches long, is tracking things well, has a cooing "conversation" with you, smiles a lot, likes to bat at his toys on his activity mat, loves to spit his pacifier out as soon as you put it in his mouth, has good head strength, but doesn't like to sleep laying down (or by himself!), likes to "ooh" along while being sung to, and loves his new swing.
He is also supremely spoiled by his family who love him very much.