Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oot and Aboot in Seattle

It is important to start your child's science education at an early age.

So this is why we brought Peanut to the Pacific Science Center. They have a traveling exhibit, Lucy, who is the 3.2 million year old fossil that is the earliest hominid found. 3.2 million years to the present will take a long time to cover, so that is why all Biology teachers surveyed * recommend starting evolutionary topics at 4 weeks old for babies. * We only had time to survey 1 Biology teacher, and it was me.

He was so excited about it, he slept the entire time. We tried to entice him with a chocolate vanilla cupcake on the way (that was a pain to jam into a bottle!), but sleep won out. We spent the majority of the time at the PSC feeding him, changing him, and the last 10% of the time involved quickly weaving through the interesting looking exhibit so we could actually view Lucy before a meltdown occurred and before the nasty general public shared germs with the boy.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A couple more pics...

Peanut's first Ixtapa run was an important first!

And we're home!

And we're back online!

Whew- what a couple of weeks it has been! We got to leave early, thanks to our adoption paperwork moving along quickly. But not before we were stuck in a place with no ability to log on to the Internet. :( But we are home now, after a 12 hour day of flying across the country. Peanut did just fine, having his own seat for take off and landing, then snuggling up with us for the duration of the flight.

After arriving home, we have spent a lot of time getting to know all of the new family, and the new surroundings.

Peanut is up from 5 lbs 12 oz to over 6 pounds- and just outgrew a few of his preemie sized onesies. They just grow up so soon!

Friday, February 13, 2009

We are here and we are doing well!

I have had some concerned readers asking why we aren't posting.. and it is simply because things have been super hectic. I will put up pics late tonight or tomorrow. :)